How I got rid of my acne for good

I used to have very bad acne and it damaged my self-esteem, having acne was not an exciting thing. I battled with this skincare problem for years without founding the right product. I used every products I could get my hands on including over the counter medication but nothing helped.
You could imagine my frustration, I had no social life and was embarrassed to even go out on dates. I thought everybody was looking at my hideous pimples until I stumbled across the simplest natural product that completed changed my life for good.


At first I thought this was one of those skincare craze products that never delivered, after all it was a natural product and I hated those. I didn't like the smell but completely fell in love with with the taste, the idea of putting something sweet on my face made me finally do it. I used it twice a day - in the morning and at night.

WOW!! after just one application my skin felt slick to the touch, I just couldn't believe it. Those hideous pimples felt like they had totally disappeared. Let me share with you the most amazing natural product that could change your life.

Honey as a face wash
* Mix two tablespoon of honey with your regular face wash in the palm of your hands and apply the yummy sensation on your wet face slowly in circular nothing. Wait for 2 minutes for the healing sensation of honey to work. Rinse it off with warm water and your ready to go.

Honey as a scrub
* Combine one tablespoon of honey with finely ground oats and one tablespoon of lemon to make a paste. Apply this scrubby paste by scrubbing your face in circular motion avoiding the delicate eye area. Leave it on for those 10 minutes then rinse with cold water to tighten those stubborn pores.

Honey as a moisturiser
* Mix half a teaspoon of honey with your moisturiser to not make a sticky mess and then apply to your damp skin and leave on for the rest of the day.

Don't forget to also take one teaspoon of honey every morning with a class of water and before going to bed to get the full benefits of the amazing honey, and in just five days your skin will be smooth, lighter and gorgeous.

Happy at last
My skin was smooth and the pimples were gone, It has been months now and I haven't had a single breakout. I now walk with confidence and my self-esteem is back. I'm even going on a date tonight, all thanks to honey. Try it and be amazed.

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