15 Top Skincare Tips For Beautiful Skin

Can you get perfect skin in just 15 days? Yes you can! Incorporate these tips into your daily skincare routine to get a clear and flawless complexion.


*Skincare tips for flawless skin*

1.Apply sunscreen with UVA and UVB each and every morning to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun, aim for products with SPF 30 to really protect.

2.  Drink two to three litres of cold water everyday to flush out harmful toxins that stay in your body resulting in bad skin ,start now if you haven't already.

3.Follow a skincare routine suitable for your skin type, don't be tempted to try that clay mask when you know you have dry skin, a definite no-no. Know what's suitable for your skin to avoid complications.

4.Skip the fast food and fizzy drinks, I know this is the hard one who would say no to that yummy burger calling your name but before you do think of your skin. Your puffy eyes are caused by salty fast food with its extra sodium and unwanted fats.

5.Always make sure your make-up is removed before bed. Stress and other factors may tempt you to go to bed withous washing your face but instead reach for cleansing towelletes and you're ready to go.

6.Don't forget to gently exfoliate your skin at least twice a week with products that contain fruit enzymes if you have sensetive skin, there are also products gentle enough for everyday use if you feel the need to scrub   daily.

7.Keep your routine simple. Too many products can irritate your skin causing it to act up.

8.Hydration is important, no matter your skin type. Keep your skin hydrated by moisturising all the time with an oil-free moistuiser.

9.Natural products, soothe sensetive skin overnight with products that contain ingridients like aloe vera, mint and cucumber.

10.Include fruits and vegetables in your diet, add in healthy oils like omega 3 fatty acids by eating salmon to prevent pimples.

11. Sleep, sleep, sleep! Get a minimum of eight hours of sleep everynight to allow your skin to fully repair while you sleep.

12.Stress can hinder your skin's ability to heal itself, so exercise daily atleast three times a week to blow off steam.

13.Never I mean never wash your face with hot water, always make sure the water you use is lukewarm, not hot!

14.Most people make mistakes of not cleaning their make-up brushes, clean your sponges by boiling them in salt water and for brushes buy a good brush cleaner.

15.Be gentle on your skin by applying products as directed on the packaging in circular motions, avoiding the delicate area for best results.

*If the routine you are following at home doesn't work for you then maybe its time to visit the dermatologist and remember clear skin is hard work. It will take atleast a month to see visible results and a noticeable difference.*

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